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Tuesday 12 October 2010

Results from school magazine questionnaire (:

From analysing the questionnaire which I distributed amongst the students and teachers, I found out that individuals are more interested in reading music magazines than any of the available choices.
The masthead which KHS students associated was a tie between; “12. League of Hero’s” and “The Chalk-face.”
 The name which was more preferred for the masthead of the school magazine of was “Intelligence is the Key”.
The slogan which were preferred was a tie between “smart is the new cool”, “Henry’s voice, let loose”, “The answers are there, it’s all in your head”, and “Everyone should feel confident about their abilities”.
Most of the students are willing to pay 50p for the magazine, however some of the students suggested that we sell it for free.
The most interested story which the students choose was clubs and activities, however I am considering including a range of other stories to capture the interest of other students and to make them feel involved.
  For the main image, people liked the idea of there being a mixture of pupils from key stages.
The colours that students associated with KHS are blue, black and white.

Monday 11 October 2010

School Magazine questionnaire :)

  1. How old are you?
·         11-13
·         14-16
·         17-18

  1. What year group are you in?
    • Year 7
    • Year 8
    • Year 9
    • Year 10
    • Year 11
    • Year 12
    • Year 13
  1. What Gender are you?
    • Female
    • Male

  1. What kinds of magazines do you enjoy reading?
    • Film
    • Music ♪♫
    • Sport
    • Games
    • Gossip
    • Other.

  1. Which of these mastheads do you associate with King Henry VII School?
    • 12. League of Hero’s
    • The Kings Nose
    • The Chalk-face
    • Eight’s Great

  1. Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
    • 12. League of Hero’s
    • Through the eyes of intelligence
    • Face the Focus
    • Intelligence is the Key.

  1. Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
    • Smart is the new cool
    • For the students by the students
    • Confidence is the key
    • Henry’s voice, let loose.
    • The answers are there, it’s all in your head.
    • Everyone should feel confident with their abilities.

  1. How much would you pay for a school magazine?
    • 50 pence
    • £1 - £2
    • Two pounds – three pounds
    • Three pounds and over.

  1. Please circle five of the following stories that you would be interested in reading in a school magazine?
    • Uniform
    • Sports success
    • Healthy food in the canteen
    • Clubs and activities
    • Exam success
    • New staffroom
    • Drugs and health problems
    • Teacher’s secrets
    • Scandal
    • School visits and trips.

  1. Which of the following images would you want on the cover of a school front cover magazine (choose one)
    • Successful school band
    • Teacher –group
    • Teacher individual
    • School teams
    • School production/club
    • Sixth form students
    • Key stage 4 pupils
    • Key stage 3 pupils
    • A mixture of pupils from key stage

  1. Which of the following colours do you associate with your school? Please circle as many choices as you want.
    • Red
    • Yellow
    • Blue
    • Black
    • White
    • Green

The magazine total tattoo and my drawing of it :)