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Friday 15 April 2011

7. Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

At the start of the year, I was assigned with “The Preliminary task of the production to create front of a school magazine. To create the front cover, we made a survey that we gave to the pupils of the school to fill in, and voice their opinions.
 On the left is the school magazine cover and on the right is the music magazine cover.

  After producing the prelimary task, I was given criticism from Mr. Jones, of course these feed back would taken into consideration while designing the next three aspects of my final product.
The prelimary and final product are of different genre’s due to the type of magazine’s they. The prelimary task helped me understand how to use the software “Adobe indesign”

From looking at both the prelimary task and the final production of my music magazine cover, there is clear indications that progress has been achieved throughout the course of producing my media product.
  My final media product has allowed me to research and develop my ideas more in terms of the type of music I focused on, where as the prelimary task limited my variety of research.
 During the process of producing the prelimary task of the school front cover, it helped me to be more familiar with the software and the tools of “Adobe Indesign.”
  The both magazines are of different genre’s addressing certain aspects, the prelimary task is addressing the issue of school related aspects, and for example on the front cover of my prelimary task it says “DRUGS AND HEALTH ISSUSES”. Where as the cover for my music magazine is addressing the genres of music and informing the niche target audience of new bands. For example it says “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE INTERVIEW OF HOMICIDAL CRIMISION!”

I am pleased with my media product, the conventional layout and design, for each of the aspects. I used certain conventions of music magazines. Where as on the production of the prelimary task I didn’t use the conventions of a magazine.

For the last part of the media product, as well as me evaluating my progress, I had to get the opinions of the niche target audience by creating a questionnaire containing suitable questions that would allow me see what my target audience think of my media product. Here is the questionnaire that I produced.

For my questionnaire I decided to have 10 photo copies so that I could separate it, so my niche target audience would give an opinion and so that the other 5 who filled my questionnaire in wasn’t the target audience.

From the process of producing the; Prelimary task, the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread, I have learnt that the following aspects are the most important on each of the sections of the music magazine.

·        The main image is considered as most important as it gives the reader/audience a representation of what type of genre that the music magazine is portraying/presenting.

·        The photographs on the prelimary task and front cover in comparison have improved quite significantly, for example on the main on the school magazine I took a medium close up of three people, the disadvantage with this photograph is that it was taken in front of a window with light coming through. The light coming through the window makes it hard for the people’s face’s to be seen.

·        The layout of a music magazine is another important aspect to be considered when creating a music magazine front cover, for example on the front cover of my music magazine I have placed all the sell lines around the main image so that the main image isn’t being obstructed as the main image is on the important aspect that represents the genre of the music magazine.

·        Another important part of the music magazine is the masthead as this is another highlight and aspect of the magazine which attracts the niche target audience, I have also learnt that the name of a masthead must be original, have connotations must be unique. For example on the front cover of my school magazine the mast head was “INTELLIGENCE IS THE KEY” and the masthead for music magazine is “NYMPHETAMINE”, judging from both of these masthead there is a clear improvement on my idea’s. An aspect that must be taken into consideration is the length of the masthead is important as the masthead needs to be catchy and appealing.

·        Overall I am pleased with the all of the aspects of the music magazine as I think they have conformed to the coded and conventions of a real music magazine.

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