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Wednesday 26 January 2011

ARTICLE - Countless Mistakes

Countless Mistakes

Isabel stokes being born into a strict religious middle class family, a life full of rules, commitments, and limitations. Her parents never suspected her to grow into such a rebellious child. They didn't know how to react, so they got stricter. According to her birth certificate Isabel was a "devoted Christian" if you seen the way she behaved and the choices she made you would think she was taking the p**s.
Perhaps you could say this is a short summary of Izzy's life. Despite not having a good childhood, she fell into the wrong crowd, mixed with the wrong people. Messed up? Pfft you could say that.
Despite the mistakes that she made in her life, she has always had a good heart and has come back a better person than ever.

What was your childhood like?

“I had a horrific childhood. Don’t get me wrong I like the concept of horrors but this is on the different end of the spectrum. My parents were religious; they wanted me to follow in their footsteps. I refused to believe any religion and they despised me for it, for years they tried to show religious beliefs down my throat. They exclaimed that I was ungrateful, but they didn’t understand having a faith in something, like religion wouldn’t solve any problems in your life.
For years I was bullied, no one liked me and I knew it. They spat at me, stole my dinner money, threw food at me. I used to think that I was doing something wrong, I gave up trying to make things better so I fell in with the wrong crowd, made ‘friends’ with the wrong people and hurt a lot of people. When I say hurt “a lot” of people I mean myself and my devoted religious parents.
I lot respect for myself because no one respected me and my childhood affected my future as an adult, I believe that my childhood made me irresponsible. I may have had a bad childhood but I managed and just accepted it, think could a girl like me change something as major as this?"

What was your childhood like?

"I had a horrific childhood, don’t get me wrong I like the concept of horrors but this is on the different end of the spectrum. My parents were religious, they wanted me to follow in they’re footsteps. I refused to believe in any religion and they despised me for it, for years they tried to shove religious belief down my throat. They exclaimed that I was ungrateful, but they didn’t understand having a faith in something, like religion wouldn’t solve any problem in your life.
For years I was bullied, “no one liked me and I knew it.” They spat at me, stole my dinner money, threw food at me. The other kids used to scream at me “I’ll punch you in the kidneys and make you p**s blood”
  I used to think that I was doing something wrong, I gave up trying to make things better so I fell in with the wrong crowd, made ‘friends’ with the wrong people and hurt a lot of people. When I say hurt “a lot” of people I mean myself and my devoted religious parents.
I lot respect for myself because no one respected me and my childhood affected my future as an adult, I believe that my childhood made me irresponsible. I may have had a bad childhood but I managed and just excepted it, think could a girl like me change something as major as this?"

How did you come up with your nickname?

"Turns out this could be an interesting story, depending on who is reading it. After my education, (not much of an education that I had) I left school without any GCSE’s, I got approached by a company, a company for explicit magazines. At first I thought the idea was unbelievable. I decided to do it after a serious think; I mean it was either that or cleaning in a nursing home. Come on which is the better deal, I know that some people were absolutely appalled at my decision but I gave up listening to people because the advice they gave me was never any good.
The magazine which I spent a year working for was called "EPLCT".
At first I found the modeling a good experience; I made a lot of good friends. My name is Isabel and the company gave me the nickname “Jizzabel” as my original name didn’t sound very sexy and they thought that it wouldn’t get much attention.

Are your parents proud that you are now a Christian?

"Yes my parents are pleased that I am a devoted Christian because for years they 'spent' their time shoving their beliefs down my throat. For my many years I refused to listen to them because I was ignorant and self-absorbed, I know excuses aren't acceptable but for years I wasted my time trying to fit in and make friends. It didn't work so I gave up because like I said religion can't solve someone's problems! It look me a few bad choices to realise what I was doing with my life. It took me awhile to get over what I did but like I said before I consider it as an experience and people learn from they're mistakes. There isn't enough time to regret life choices because I believe the actions that you do make you the person you are! My parents are proud and don't despise and now they understand why I was such a problemed child."

What are your main interests?

"You may think that my only interest is music but you’re wrong. Since I became a devoted Christian I take part in church services, I joined the choir as it would help to improve my singing. I do volunteer work at a charity shop, I help out as a scout leader on the weekend to teach young children valuable skills.

"I used to bite and kick the other children because I was anti-social and they made things worse"

When I was three I spent six months in nursery and let’s just say I wasn't in the 'normal' class. I was privately tutored because they 'considered' me as a problem child, or the real reason was just think they thought I was too dangerous and they wanted to get inside my head. I remember when I was 10 no one would share their toys with me so I took this little girls Rabbit and burned it to a crisp. She hated me.
They found it very hard to deal with me so instead I got sent to scouts to learn how to behave! Personally I think they failed. in-fact it made me more rebellious and made me more adamant.

When are you planning on releasing your new single/album and what is your album going to be called?

Well we are thinking of releases a single, to see if anyone is interested in our band, if we get some interest we will consider doing an album, even maybe a tour.  However we are hoping to realise our new single or album for the New Year.
For the first album I want to dedicate it to all the people who have been there for me, so I will probably name is something to do with the experiences I have been through.

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