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Thursday 4 November 2010

Evaluation of my school magazine cover.

The name of my school magazine is “intelligence is the key”, I think that the name of my magazine is an appropriate choice as it relates to school and education, also “intelligence is the key” was one of the most popular choices. The connotations of the mast head is that intelligence is the key to success within academic establishment and is also and important aspect in education. I think that the colour scheme of the masthead is appropriate as it is associated with the school. The masthead is of sufficient size as it isn’t too small to read.

There is a main image on the front cover of the story it is representing, the story which I am representing is exam success, the way I represented this is by taking a photograph of some students holding certificates. The composition of the main image is in the centre of the page, I placed the subsidiary images along the side of the main image as they won’t be obstructing the main image.
 The subsidiary images are an appropriate size as they are easy to see also they are in an appropriate position on the page as they aren’t obstructing the view of the main image. The subsidiary images give a clear indication of the story which they are representing.

Yes there is sell lines on my school magazine front cover, also the sell lines give a clear indication about the contents of the magazine. The language is informative and entertaining as it very simple and easy to understand. I haven’t used any literary devices on my front cover, the spelling and punctuation is accurate and yes I have used different fonts. I think that the font size is clear and appropriate.

The layout and design is clear and well organized, I think and hope that my school magazine front cover is appealing to the reader.
The three aspects of my school magazine front cover which are successful are the masthead as it is associates with the school, the photograph which I had taken as they give clear indications if the stories that is being represented.

I think the three aspects which could be improved are the photographs, the layout and design and the ideas for the subsidiary images.

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